交換留”藝”開始。【交換留画】【交換留音】【交換留踊】。2020年春から、軽井沢町で。生きると生きるを終える狭間で過ごす空間で、あなたの表現活動を爆発させませんか? 最大3ヶ月、住まい提供。最大3ヶ月、ベーシックインカム保証。国籍不問。#artistinclinic #交換留藝
Here Comes Fanfare! Call for members of Artist-in-Residence-like program at a “clinic-like” place in Karuizawa, one of the most beautiful forest towns in Japan. English below.
▶︎診療所と大きな台所のあるところ 「ほっちのロッヂ」
診療所と大きな台所のあるところ 「ほっちのロッヂ」
2019年9月 訪問看護事業開始
2020年4月 診療所、訪問診療、病児保育、通所介護 開始予定
Who We Are:
We are “Hotch-no-Lodge (A Lodge in Hocchi, an old residential district in Karuizawa)”, a medical clinic & day care center, which aims to create a “cultural base” for/with all kinds of people in the town from younger to older, regardless of their status or origins. We have also a large kitchen in our place, where we can get around together anytime to share our ideas and culture.
We treasure every one of each favorite thing and strong point of our members. We share them with our neighbors and get to know each other even better than meeting as a doctor and a patient, a caring and a cared. We believe that such casual daily conversation enables us more creative care services.
Thus, our motto is “Meet us as your good fellows, beyond your age or physical / social status, enjoying what we like.”
We Now Start a New Art Project:
Based on our concept above, we now start a new “artist-in-residence-like” program, which takes place in our lodge: Artist in Clinic (AIC).
We believe and expect, doing art activities, that we might find a spontaneous relationship between a caring person and a person to be cared. For example, a person to be cared would be a designing teacher who teaches how to draw a picture or which colors to be chosen to his or her caring person.
These kinds of art activities have a power to take away our preoccupation with the person’s physical condition, status or belonging. It can then highlight his or her creative personality.
We Call for:
Artists interested in working in the medical or caring sector as one of our staffs and contributing in a creative way.
Requirements Are:
- Consciousness of being equal with person to be cared: find your friends with a variety of life experiences and expert skills, or promising talents.
- Keen eyes and ears to see what it is like to live out one’s life and come to an end of it: here is the ground-zero of your creation.
- Any kinds of creative output from your staying experience: the process of your creation might be a “therapy”, “medical care” or more for our neighbors. Your creation can be of any styles and genres, for which you can work with our specialized art managers.
Description for Your Stay:
Who: all interested to work with us as a person with artistic background
Where: Hotch-no-Lodge in Karuizawa, Japan (ca. 50 min. from Tokyo by train)
Period: max. 3 months
- basic income and shared flat with private room for one person / the period of your stay
- activity & language support by our specialized art managers
- bicycles
- electricity, gas, running water and the Internet
- other facilities or support subject to negotiation
Not Offerd:
- Travel expenses to Karuizawa (incl. visa fee – invitation can be published)
- Food expenses
▶︎ピンと来た方は/For application
For application, fill out our form below:
Before getting started, we will offer you an online interview for details. English / German available.
Emily / Satoko(唐川・藤岡 )